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Streaming Numbers in the News

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Targeting streaming viewers is becoming harder. 如今,服务提供商关注的是了解用户会购买什么,而不是他们的个人信息. 以下是最近发表的一些报告的摘要.

According to a 2022 Whip Media survey on customer satisfaction, the number-one reason for Netflix’s widely reported recent subscriber churn is price; more than two-thirds of respondents cited “cost” as their reason for leaving the service. 考虑到他们也认为HBO Max是最令人满意的SVOD服务, this seems a little implausible. Netflix’s standard service costs $15.HBO Max的无广告订阅费为14美元.99. I don’t think 50 cents is really the breaking point. 这让我相信调查对象往往是多维的. 当他们被问及是否只能保留一种服务时,他们选择了哪一种? The one with “flix” in the title.

Compared to the 2021 survey, this year, 受访者保留Netflix服务的可能性下降了12%. “如果我们在不同的时间做这个调查,在发布之后 Stranger Things, the numbers may have been different,” says Eric Steinberg, Whip Media’s media research and insights lead.

“我们询问了目前是Netflix用户的人, 他说,你会不会为了看广告而换用更便宜的套餐?’ ” explains Steinberg. “Now, it’s a bit of a loaded question, because we don’t have a price point yet, so we said, ‘For some lower price for some amount of ads, would you be willing to switch?’”结果是:5%的人说肯定会,9%的人说可能会
14%. 也许观众在表示愿意付费观看广告之前,需要先看看广告支持的内容是如何传递的.

LightShed Partners最近的一项研究预测,40%的Netflix现有用户将转向该公司即将推出的AVOD服务. LightShed估计,这有可能带来40亿美元的广告收入, based on current viewing times. The company looked at March 2021 and 1 year later, 然后将Comscore的CTV流媒体时间花费数据转换为每个主要服务的总CTV流媒体小时数. If these projections hold true, Netflix将成为仅次于YouTube的第二大广告支持服务.

In July 2022, TipRanks, 谁向卖方分析师和对冲基金经理提供数据, 研究了流媒体公司2022年6月的网站流量(包括所有子域名),并注意到观看量是如何同比增长的. Hulu came in first in the ranking, with 117.83% traffic growth. Discovery+ came in second, with 99.64% traffic growth; Peacock was third, with 97.38%; fuboTV was fourth, with 50.88%; and HBO Max came in fifth, with 44.11%. Netflix没有出现在这个名单上,大概是因为它最近失去了订阅用户.

Now let’s look at ad-supported viewing. According to a study by Hub, Peacock has 73% ad-supported viewers, Paramount+ has 64%, Hulu has 58%, Discovery+ has 44%, and HBO Max has 28%. Doing napkin math, 如果我们把这些百分比加起来然后除以服务量, 这一数字与“内幕情报”(Insider Intelligence)的一份报告非常吻合.S. will include 58.2% of all OTT video customers by the end of 2022. However, 趋势显示,不仅观众会看广告, but they’ll even pay for subscriptions that have ads. While ad sales have slowed recently, 广告支持的观看势头——无论是在订阅还是免费的广告支持的流媒体电视(FAST)节目中——让人有些惊讶的是,这种商业模式被证明是如此引人注目.

添加广告支持选项是否会帮助Netflix,或者观众是否会付费观看带有广告的Netflix内容,还有待观察. We now know that, going forward, whatever you’re watching, 超过一半的时间,你会有一些广告的内容. 如果观众也为订阅付费,那么如果你是一家媒体公司就更好了. Netflix进军AVOD的举动将非常值得关注.

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